are twenty years of difference in your ages。 He might almost be your father。”
“No; indeed; Mrs。 Fairfax!” exclaimed I; tled; “he is nothing like my father! No one; who saw us together; would suppose it for an instant。 Mr。 Rochester looks as young; and is as young; as some men at five…and…twenty。”
“Is it really for love he is going to marry you?” she asked。
I was so hurt by her coldness and scepticism; that the tears rose to my eyes。
“I am sorry to grieve you;” pursued the widow; “but you are so young; and so little acquainted with men; I wished to put you on your guard。 It is an old saying that ‘all is not gold that glitters;’ and in this case I do fear there will be something found to be different to what either you or I expect。”
“Why?—am I a monster?” I said: “is it impossible that Mr。 Rochester should have a sincere affection for me?”
“No: you are very well; and much improved of late; and Mr。 Rochester; I daresay; is fond of you。 I have always noticed that you were a sort of pet of his。 There are times when; for your sake; I have been a little uneasy at his marked preference; and have wished to put you on your guard: but I did not like to suggest even the possibility of wrong。 I knew such an idea would shock; perhaps offend you; and you were so discreet; and so thoroughly modest and sensible; I hoped you might be trusted to protect yourself。 night I cannot tell you what I suffered when I sought all over the house; and could find you nowhere; nor the master either; and then; at twelve o’clock; saw you e in with him。”
“Well; never mind that now;” I interrupted impatiently; “it is enough that all was right。”
“I hope all will be right in the end;” she said: “but believe me; you cannot be too careful。 Try and keep Mr。 Rochester at a distance: distrust yourself as well as him。 Gentlemen in his station are not accustomed to marry their governesses。”
I was growing truly irritated: happily; Adèle ran in。
“Let me go;—let me go to Millcote too!” she cried。 “Mr。 Rochester won’t: though there is so much room in the new carriage。 Beg him to let me go mademoiselle。”
“That I will; Adèle;” and I hastened away onitress。 The carriage was ready: they were bringing it round to the front; and my master was the pavement; Pilot following him backwards and forwards。
“Adèle may acpany us; may she not; sir?”
“I told her no。 I’ll have no brats!—I’ll have only you。”
“Do let her go; Mr。 Rochester; if you please: it would be better。”
“Not it: she will be a restraint。”
He ptory; both in look and voice。 The chill of Mrs。 Fairfax’s warnings; and the damp of her doubts were upon me: something of unsubstantiality and uncertainty had beset my hopes。 I half lost the sense of power over him。 I was about mechanically to obey him; without further remonstrance; but as he helped me into the carriage; he looked at my face。
“What is the matter?” he asked; “all the sunshine is gone。 Do you really wish the bairn to go? Will it annoy you if she is left behind?”
“I would far rather she went; sir。”
“Then off for your bon; and back like a flash of lightning!” cried he to Adèle。
She obeyed him with what speed she might。
“After all; a single morning’s interruption will not matter much;” said he; “when I mean shortly to claim you—your thoughts; conversation; and pany—for life。”
Adèle; when lifted in; menced kissing me; by way of expressing her gratitude for my intercession: she was instantly stowed away into a corner on the other side of him。 She then peeped round to where I sat; so stern a neighbour was too restrictive to him; in his present fractious mood; she dared whisper no observations; nor ask of him any information。
“Let her e to me;” I entreated: “she will; perhaps; trouble you; sir: there is plenty of room on this side。”
He handed her over as if she had been a lapdog。 “I’ll send her to school yet;” he said; but now he was smiling。
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